Sunday, September 21, 2014

Do dreams come true?

Have you ever encounter a deja vu moment? Or ever get this strange feeling that you have experienced this exact moment before perhaps in a dream? And what do dreams mean? Why do we dream? Are dreams a prediction of our life?
I do not dream often but some of my dreams do come true in life. And I can tell that it is not just my imagination because I used to keep a journal. When I would have the deja vu feeling I would check my journal to see if I documented this as a dream. The results are chilling but it comforts me to know that not all of my dreams come to life. Can you imagine if you had a terrible dream knowing that it would come true later down the road?

Speaking of dreams, have you seen the movie Inception
It is a very good movie that describes dreams in a very unique creative way. I have to admit that I was confused the first time I saw this movie and had to watch it a few more times. It makes me wonder if dreams can really be stolen.

Anyways, my question to you today is have you seen something before that gave you the feeling that you have seen or felt it before? If so did this freak you out?

Love to hear your thoughts.

Here is a picture of one of my cats name Tilly; she's so cute in this picture with her eyes half closed.

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